Shooting In Your Backyard During Covid

backyard garden

If your camera has been gathering dust during the lockdowns, it’s time to discover all the beauty and wonder in your own backyard. Covid has given us a rare opportunity to explore our home and neighborhood, and you might be surprised at how much there is to discover. 

Home Is Where The Art Is

Starting at home, literally inside your house, you can find inspiration from those closest to you. Taking lifestyle or documentary-style portraits of your family and roommates is a great way to keep your photography skills in practice. It is also documenting a time in history that we will look back on with strong memories.

While the pandemic will be largely associated with negative feelings, your photos could also shine a light on the good times. Cooking a meal, playing games, relaxing at home, and being together are some of the simple pleasures we’ve all learned to enjoy during lockdowns. So why not use your camera to capture some of these special times?

Or you could go all out and get your family and friends models to dress up for photos. Swap the sweats and PJs for some fancy outfits and get some nice photos of everyone while lifting their moods simultaneously. All dressed up and nowhere to go is a theme you can get creative with when events and occasions are off.

Seeking Beauty Outdoors

Stepping outside, you can grab your macro lens and zoom in on all the flora and nature in your garden or local park. Flowers, insects, spider webs, plants, bugs, butterflies, birds, and trees all make interesting subject matter. 

Walk around your neighborhood with your zoom lens and do some street photographyOpens in a new tab.. Snap photos of people coming and going, getting exercise, shopping, and going about daily life. Think about doing some architectural photographyOpens in a new tab.. What is your favorite building in town, and did you ever photograph it?

Now is a great time, and don’t forget to get some detailed shots of the building. While those face masks are not exactly great for capturing expressions, they do tell a story of a time that will soon be past. 

It’s very easy to dismiss what we see every day as unphotogenic sights, but in reality, there are many amazing things to take photos of in your backyard. It is natural to be blind to the wonder in your surroundings. Even when we travel, the things that catch our eye become less interesting after a few days. 

The Right Gear For The Job

M4/3 camerasOpens in a new tab. are great for shooting all the types of photography we’ve discussed in this article. A quality prime lens like the M.Zuiko Pro 45mm f1.2Opens in a new tab. lens will be a joy to shoot with.

For those nature shots, you would be impressed with the M.Zuiko 75mm f1.8Opens in a new tab. for stunning closeups.

Or how about some macro shots of flowers or insects in your backyard garden? The M.Zuiko 60mm f2.8Opens in a new tab. macro lens will do the job superbly.

The need for social distancing can totally be an excuse to buy a new zoom lens. Olympus or Panasonic’s f2.8 zooms (12-40mm/12-35mm) are excellent choices.

Time To Shoot

Get your camera out and get busy shooting. If you live on a farm, in a condo, or the suburbs, there’s sure to be a lot to photograph, so get out there soon and take some awesome photos! If you look closely, there is inspiration all around, and Covid doesn’t have to mean an end to your joy of photography.

John Kilmerstone

I'm an Aussie living in Japan who enjoys traveling and photography. Please visit this website and explore the wonderful world of Micro Four Thirds photography. Discover the advantages of carrying a small yet powerful camera system.

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